Teacher plays very essential role in the field of education who teaches students very nicely to be a person of good moral and behaviour. They make students academically superb and always encourage to do better in the life.
They equip students with lots of knowledge, skills and positive attitudes so that students can never feel lost and go ahead. They help students to get sure about their goals of education through clear vision and ideas. Without teachers in the life one cannot grow mentally, socially and intellectually.
A teacher is a good person who takes very important responsibility of shaping up the lives of young ones and impressionable children. They get great feeling, pride and true joy in their life by teaching their students on the right path. They never do any type of partiality between good or bad students instead they always try to bring bad one on the right path through their lots of efforts. A good teacher is someone who spent their whole life in giving quality education to their students.
They push all the students to do their best. They make learning process very interesting as well as creative. Teachers try their best to bring all the students on the right track by motivation them positively towards study. Good teachers leave good impression over their students.
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Education Minister Bhupendra Singh Chudasama has said that the decision has been taken to close the state schools till March 29, when the state government has made an important decision as the children will not come to school anymore. Children will be able to study different subjects at home so that no study can be missed. This decision has been taken to ensure the continuity of the school whenever it opens.

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